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Roush Supercharger

Ford Mustang Super Charger Image

Roush compressor

You have the competitive spirit, the Roush Compressor and its Roush Supercharger Belt will make your car a unique example and will propel you among the highest spheres.
roush performance supercharger banner image with pictures of the supercharger  

Roush presents three different stages of superchargers for the Ford Mustang and the Mustang Roush. While for the F150, two phases are available. Improvements are also offered for those who want to boost the supercharger already installed. 

Mustang Roush

roush performance supercharger for Ford mustang  

In the Mustang, the Roush Stage 2 compressor achieves an output of 750 horsepower, torque to reach a force of 670 pound-feet and a scorching acceleration of 0-100 km in 3.6 seconds. This can only impress the viewer! 

Ford F150

ford f 150 roush performance supercharger image  

As for the Ford F150, the supercharger can take you to your destination in unique comfort while tackling the most difficult conditions. Imagine yourself on an off-road trail, the supercharger will get you there every time, whether in the Ford Mustang Roush or under the hood of the Super Duty, or not to mention, the F150. No matter the vehicle, the engine will not let you down. 

Roush Enterprises

Roush Performance Enterprise Image with a Roush Mustang and a Roush Ford F 150 Image   Roush Enterprises is a world-renowned provider of auto parts and product development services to the world's largest automotive industry, including Ford dealers. Their products represent more than fifty years of experience and development to reach the pinnacle of auto parts. Thanks to the passion of its founder, engineer Jack Roush, Roush parts, such as the Roush Supercharger, will transform your simple vehicle into a frantic car. 

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