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New Graduate Program : $500 rebate from Ford Canada

New grad program

With your diploma in hand, you are ready to start your career. Congratulations!

440 Ford Laval is here to help you by offering you a technological and professional looking vehicle. You can apply for credit under our Graduate Program, if you are over 18 years old and:

  • you are a student who graduated or will graduate within the next 4 months from a Canadian accredited University undergraduate degree program, from a two-year college program, from a three-year CEGEP D.E.C. program in Quebec, or from a recognized military or police academy
  • you are a full-time post-graduate student who has graduated from a Canadian accredited University with a Masters, Doctorate or PhD program within the last 24 months
  • you are a full-time student who will graduate from a Canadian accredited University  with a Masters, Doctorate or PhD program within the next 24 months

Be sure to set aside a current paystub or a confirmation of employment offer from your future employer, as it will be required during the credit application process.

* Certain conditions apply. Ask 440 Ford Laval for more information.