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440 Green

Green Wrench
We are pleased to announce that 440 Ford Lincoln Laval is now certified Green Wrench, a Quebec Nature-Action's program.  To obtain this distinction we completed with success a rigorous process with "green" specialists.    You can be sure that every member of our team applies the environmental norms as it should be, they have the spirit of respect of nature. 
Here are, in brief, the accreditation process we had to follow:

  • Disposal of dangerous material
  • Disposal of not dangerous material
  • Disposal of trash
  • Disposal of recyclable materials
  • Usage of environmental friendly equipments
  • Usage of environmental friendly processes
Everything, from the products used to clean the vehicles to the disposition of the dangerous material, as vehicles batteries, has been inspected.  Nothing has been left unverified.  Each member of our team received a complete training.  Our whole team is engaged into giving you an entirely ecological and responsible service.  Thank you for putting your trust in 440 Ford Lincoln Laval, by doing so you contribute to a healthy environment.

Brake pads Genuine Ford and Motorcraft ® are asbestos free!!!

Ford is a company attentive to the environment and concerned about the life quality of its employees, this is why all brake pads Genuine Ford and Motorcraft ® are asbestos free . This is a very important feature, because we are concerned about the health risks to which our technicians are exposed when working with platelets that create harmful brake dust containing asbestos. But, besides being asbestos free, brake pads Genuine Ford and Motorcraft ® are designed to high standards of quality, durability and fit.
Thank you for trusting 440 Ford Lincoln Laval, opting for our organization, by doing so you contribute to a healthy environment.